Pablo Piatti 'Tropical Birds' wallpaper mural (Tres Tintas Barcelona), Max Lamb (Johnson Trading Gallery) chair and stool, Patricia Urquiola (GAN) 'Mangas Pouff', Christopher Kurtz 'Hollow Leg Milking Stool', Ricky Clifton (Johnson Trading Gallery) Barrel Club Chair, Ovando: Floral Design and Event Production Hanging Trees, Alex Gil (Spacecutter) 'Monolith' dining table, ceramics by Melissa Gamwell and Natalia Criado, Christopher Kurtz (Hedge Gallery) 'Tufted' bench, Mark Talbot 'Tile Fungus', Andrew Yes Tapestry pillow ball with Maharam deconstructed rose fabric, Azadeh Shladovsky 'Diva Stool', Michele Oka Doner (Studio Printworks) Telescopic wallpaper, Robert Lobe Mirror (unstairs)
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